Reporting Suspected Child Abuse



The Board of Education directs that the college comply with ORS 419B.005 through 419B.017, which states that employees of higher educational institutions are mandatory reporters at all times, both on and off campus, unless specifically exempted by statute.



The president shall establish and maintain administrative rules and procedures to ensure abuse is reported as defined by state law as amended. Specifically, employees having reasonable cause to believe that any unmarried child (under 18 years of age) with whom they come in contact has been abused must report it by calling 911 or the Department of Human Services as well as 博天堂官方 Campus Public Safety. The president shall further ensure that all staff members are provided with the required annual training, including information and resources related to the recognition of potential abuse, the specific steps related to timely proper reporting, and strategies for responding appropriately and comprehensively to an incident of suspected abuse.



Date of Adoption:
Dates of Revision:
6/15/94, 5/20/98, 2/16/05, 10/17/12, 5/20/15, 4/17/19
Dates of Review:
12/15/09, 10/17/12, 5/20/15, 4/17/19, 6/26/23